Cookies and cream overnight oats

Shopping list 

1 tbsp Chia seeds 

1tbsp Chocolate chips @hukitchen 

1/2cup Gluten-free oats @onedegreeorganics 

1/2tbspMaple syrup 

1tbsp Peanut butter or almond butter 

1/2 cup Plant-based milk

1 tsp alcohol-free Vanilla extract 

1/2 cup Raspberries 

Cookies, dough bites mix ✨

2 tbsp gluten-free oats

1tbsp peanut butter 

1tbsp chocolate chips @hukitchen 

1/2tbsp maple syrup

👩🏽‍🍳Let the fun begin 

🫙In a mason jar, combine all the overnight ingredients except raspberries.

To make the dough bites mix all the ingredients in a separate container and form the bites.

Cover and place in the fridge overnight. The following day you can add 1tbsp almond or coconut yogurt and add the bites and raspberries on the top. 
