How I honor my cycle as a Holistic Health Coach.

Hi friends, I wanted to share something important with you. To be honest, it took me a long time to be able to honor and understand my body. Regular practice of mindfulness, meditation, gratitude, and patience got me closer. Still, it wasn’t until a lecture from my health coaching school finally hit me that I began to connect the dots.

I learned how important it is to understand your body not only from the outside in but from the inside out. That is more than what you see on your plate because consumption and energy aren’t just about your eating. As I started paying attention, I felt upset and bloated every time my period came. I used to ask myself why this has to happen to me, is it ever going to stop or get better, do other women go through the same, and what is the meaning or purpose of it all? In the search for relief and some magic solution for it to disappear, I began the journey to find the sense and message of what those feelings truly meant. I wasn’t giving the love and appreciation to honor my body and be patient by slowing down to make sense of what was happening physically and emotionally. This patience-based approach allowed me to sit with my feelings and start the experimentation of exercise, meditation, and, most importantly, eating the right foods that helped to stabilize my body and accompanying emotional symptoms. I learned how it even depends on what stage of your period you are currently in and how all of our bodies can feel different in each of those phases, allowing us to tailor our food consumption accordingly. That’s why it’s essential to recognize that these other foods and activities can help relieve and stabilize those different stages.

Menstrual phase: This phase is pretty much when you are bleeding. When your uterus is shedding, it is when you don’t feel like doing anything. Your body needs to slow down.

It is essential to eat: anti-inflammatory foods, nutritious and high in iron. Like, spinach, berries, and green vegetables.

Healthy fats: Avocado oil, olive, and nuts can help reduce inflammation.

Chamomile tea is my favorite tea.

Turmeric latte, mushrooms, lentils, pinto beans, chickpeas.

Follicular phase:

In this stage, the bleeding is done; your body prepares to release an egg. During this phase, your estrogen and progesterone are going up, which means a new wave of hormones will boost your energy back!!

This phase is good to start planning your new projects. It is also essential to hydrate yourself.

Eat foods like Broccoli and fermented foods.

Banana, apple, apricot, sweet potatoes, carrots. Pumpkin seeds

Ovulation phase:

This is when your ovaries release an egg getting prepare for pregnancy. Which means your energy level is going to be high.

Eat anti-inflammatory food like raspberries and strawberries.

Nuts like pecans, almonds, and pistachios.

Eggplant zucchini, watermelon, micro greens, radish, potato bell peppers.

Luteal phase:

Your progesterone and estrogen levels go up and then go down again. Pretty much when your body is preparing for your next period.

You feel cramps, bloating, and moodiness kicking in during this time.

Honor your body winding down by doing activities that will help you relax as yoga and meditation walk. Use the time to journal and asses things that are working and aren’t working in your life.

To help this phase is vital to increase foods that help with serotonin in your body; magnesium can help with low libido and fatigue. Foods like dark chocolate and spinach. Pasta, arugula, kale, sunflower seeds, banana, black beans, avocado, and chickpeas.