Vegan Ferrero Rocher


1/2 cup almond flour 

4 tbsp almond butter

1 cup hazelnuts

2 tbsp oat or almond flour 

1 tbsp water

1/2 tbsp maple syrup or 1 tsp depends how sweet you like your desserts

1/2 tsp vanilla extract 

1 tbsp zero sugar chocolate I used the ones from chocZero


Start by roasting your hazelnuts for 5 minutes; break them into small pieces when ready. Add all the ingredients to a bowl except the chocolate chips and hazelnuts, and combine until you form a ball and roll it into eight balls.
Melt your chocolate chips in the microwave.
Start rolling the chocolate balls into your chocolate and sprinkle some hazelnuts on the top. Place them inside the freezer for 10 min to dry the chocolate and enjoy!
You can store these heavenly bites inside the fridge for up to a week.